SSLNT celebrates world women day

Dhanbad : Since Worlds women day happened to fall on a Sunday and could not be celebrated on that date in SSLNT Women College of the coal city, girls celebrated it on Tuesday and learnt self defense techniques.

The whole day program was organized by a Nongovernmental Organization, Astha Mahila Samiti in the college premises itself.

Incidents of crime against women like Rape, Domestic violence and acid attacks were discussed and the young girls were made aware of the tactics as to how to deal with these atrocities.

District President of Astha, Poonam Singh in her speech said “now a day’s women have become the most vulnerable creature of our society. Time has come when we should strengthen ourselves”.

This apart a team of martial arts experts, “The World Shotokan Karate Do Federation” was also invited to demonstrate various techniques and tactics to tackle a situation of confrontation with miscreants or eve teasers.

After demonstration of several stunts the girls were made to participate and practice the techniques.

Girls from other colleges from across the coal city were present to learn self defense techniques.

Young girls were happy learning self defense without weapon and breaking the tiles with their own hands.

Torab Khan, one of the members of experts group said “It is first time when I have seen such an enthusiastic crowd.

Generally girls are shy and do not participate in these type of programs.

With the rise of crime against women these techniques are need of the hour for these girls”.