Tiny tots learn dining etiquette

Dhanbad : How to place the napkin, how to eat with a fork, knife and spoon and how to eat with their mouth closed. All the tips were given to the tiny tots of Narayani kids Play school who were reached at Dhanbad club on Saturday evening to learn the table manner and dining etiquette.
Suman Jalan, director of the institution, who was also present on the occasion said dining etiquette is an important aspect every person should have and it must be start since childhood. “It is a part of our co-curriculum activities as children learn to use like 'please' and 'thank you' while asking for food or passing it to others and gradually it becomes the habit,” said Jalan.
Adding further Jalan said, with the view to break the monotony of studies such programmes must be organized time to time. “Tiny tots also need changes and rejoice in cheerful atmosphere that can’t be given at school premises. This is why we organize such events,” said Jalan.
On this occasion the teachers and tiny tots also stepped up on music and enjoy delicious food items.


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